Current Research Areas: energy and power systems; resilience; justice; sociotechnical imaginaries; science and technology studies; anthropology; film
Current Research Areas: history and philosophy of biology, scientific transnationalism, evolutionary theory, intellectual history, historical epistemology
Current Research Areas: history of technology; Yiddish; religion; material culture; gender
Current Research Areas: environmental history; history of human-animal relationships; conservation; hunting; wildlife; U.S. history; history of science
Current Research Areas: history of the earth and environmental sciences, environmental history, blue humanities, earth systems modeling, south asia, anthropology of development, third world internationalisms
Current Research Areas: media theory; semiotics; valuation studies; technoscientific expectations; cultural economy; bureaucratic knowledge; environmental history; extractivism; Latin America
Current Research Areas: mobility, health, diseases, NGO, Africa, colonial, postcolonial, environmental justice, public health, health workers, particles
Current Research Areas: privacy, surveillance and social control; internet and platforms; technological openness movements; participatory processes; youth and media; networked social movements; feminist and postcolonial STS; design justice
Current Research Areas: Race, Technology, African American History, Engineering, Education, Institutions, Curriculum, the Social Construction of Knowledge
Current Research Areas: Environmental finance, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Regenerative Agriculture, Africa, Food Systems Development, Film
Current Research Areas: modern Europe, race, post-colonialism, subaltern archives, sonic media, street and club dance, STS, built environments, racial capitalism, transnational history
Current Research Areas: pollution; microorganisms; biotechnology; environmental justice; expertise and knowledge production; biopolitics and biosecurity; climate change; materiality; multispecies commodity networks; bioart
Current Research Areas: agriculture; phytopathology; migration; feudalism and capitalism; knowledge production; speculation; magic; desertification; Italy/EU
Current Research Areas: decarbonization; material-discursive practices; ontology; non-human
Current Research Areas: history of science, science and technology studies, physical sciences, mathematical sciences, computing and computational sciences, political economy, critical theory and philosophy of science
Current Research Areas: scientific visualization; observational and representational practices in S&T
Current Research Areas: work, governance, transportation, transaction, circulation, routes and routing, liquidity
Current Research Areas: feminist technoscience; feminist surveillance studies; South Asian studies; participatory design research; data feminism
Current Research Areas: anthropology of biology and medicine; feminist science studies; cannabis; drugs and society; plant-human relations; matter and materiality; naturecultures; capitalisms and value; affective ecologies; sciences of the mind and brain; race, gender, and science
Current Research Areas: platforms, labor, social networks, migration, ethnography, filmmaking, media theory, STS
Current Research Areas: nuclear power, fuel cycle politics, lived experience around nuclear technology, production of knowledge, nuclear history, energy history, environmental history, labor history, industry study
Current Research Areas: history of technology, history of science, environmental history, science and technology studies, history of U.S. foreign relations, media studies, Global South studies, internationalisms, tropicality, climate and society, elemental materialisms, decomposition
Current Research Areas: heat; care economies; human geography; urban justice; sustainability; Florida studies; climate change
Current Research Areas: African diaspora studies; oceanic humanities and geohumanities; Black feminisms; Indigenous studies; public history; anti-colonial and decolonial studies; policing, incarceration, and surveillance; medical experimentation; madness and disability; experimental ethnography and documentary filmmaking
Current Research Areas: anthropology of biology, pharmaceuticals, and the body; feminist, queer, and trans science and technology studies
Current Research Areas: mining; energy; temporality; infrastructure; United States; Chile
![](https://hasts-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Screenshot-2024-08-26-at-1.47.51 PM-530x298.png)
Current Research Areas: disability studies, prosthetics, anaplastology, artisanship, repair and maintenance, anthropology of medicine, care, ethnography, STS